So Thankful

22 Nov
be thankful every day, walk in love

photo credit – t.j. mousetis – walk in love

I have so very much to be thankful for this year.

I am thankful for each and every single day. When I have hard days, I just have to remind myself how absolutely blessed I am to be alive and to be doing as well as I am.

I am thankful to have over come this traumatic and very unexpected brain stem surgery event in my life.

I am thankful to the amazing team of doctors, nurses, and medical professionals that saved my life at Memorial Hermann Hospital and Park Plaza Hospital in Houston’s Texas Medical Center. A very special thank you to my neurosurgeon, Dr. Arthur Day.

I am so grateful and thankful to all of my incredible supporters – family, friends, and strangers. Your prayers, words of encouragement, and support have helped me through all of this and in so many ways.

I am thankful to be able to finish what I started. I learned earlier this week that I passed my graduate school exit exam. I’ll be graduating in just a few weeks with my master’s degree in public relations and mass communication. It feels so good!

I am thankful for the beautiful wedding, honeymoon, and reception party that we were blessed to have. Special thank you to everyone who helped us make it so special and to those who donated their services to us, words cannot begin to express our gratitude. Those memories will last us a lifetime.

I am very thankful to my husband who has been my best friend, my rock, and my strength – who has never left my side through any of this. I am so thankful for our incredible love and our continued love story. I thank God for him each and every single day.

I am thankful to my family. My incredible parents, my amazing grandmother, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins, and all of my extended family. I am also especially thankful to my in-law’s for always being so supportive and showing a tremendous amount of love and support through such a crazy time. I am thankful for the growth in my family this year.

our houston humane society rescue


I am thankful for this bundle of joy which were blessed enough to be able to rescue from the Houston Humane Society. She came home just two days ago and has already brought so much love and happiness into our family. The love of an animal, especially a dog, is like none other.

In life, there are so many reasons to be thankful.

Most of all, thank You, God, for pulling me through everything.

I am so thankful for this life of mine.

What are you thankful for?


Wishing all of my readers a very happy, happy Thanksgiving day. Although, we should be thankful everyday. Take a minute each day to look around and realize how lucky you are. Give thanks. Love the life you live. Live the life you love.

Now who’s ready to eat on this turkey day? 😉

One Response to “So Thankful”


  1. Keep Calm and #StayPosi — The Power of Positive Thinking | xtine danielle - March 8, 2013

    […] whether or not to operate. It helped me tremendously to count all the blessings in my life and how thankful I was to be in Houston, Texas at the Texas Medical Center with an amazing team of doctors and […]

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